FALL 2024 AUDITIONS: MSU Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Jazz Combo
Dr. Todd E. Hill - Professor of Music, Murray State University
The excerpts for FALL 2024 MSU JAZZ AUDITIONS are available at murraystatebands.com now! Go to AUDITIONS and scroll down to find all information. Audition material is short, and you will submit a video recording to me via email: [email protected]
THE MSU JAZZ ORCHESTRA is our premier organization and meets MWF at 1:30pm and R at 4:00pm. The MSU JAZZ BAND meets MWF at 2:30pm. Jazz Combos are made up depending on how many persons are interested in participating, and the meeting times vary considerably according to availabilities, but as of right now BLUE COMBO will meet at 2:00pm R, and the GOLD COMBO will meet at 3:30 F.
AUDITIONS will be by video recording. Yep, that’s right. Take as many times as you desire! You're just showing how much you want the chair by the strength of your submission. You will be able to submit your recording to me at [email protected] anytime from Tuesday, August 13 until 11:59pm on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Make sure to keep the recording short at the beginning and end – and use a metronome while you’re playing! LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Recording yourself, practicing for professional auditions (many are done this way now), self-evaluation, self-discipline in preparation.
There are parts for saxophone (all flavors are the same for this), trumpet, trombone/bass trombone, piano, guitar, bass, drums, and vibes. Even if you’ve NEVER done jazz before – step up and get involved – You will be glad you did!
CLASS ACTIVITIES/SCHEDULE We will have many opportunities to make music in a variety of settings. Sectionals (in class time) and other activities. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Chamber-sized section rehearsals, independent practice, improvisation, score study, live concerts, presentations.
Creating a great learning environment is our top priority. Get your music ready and audition! Nothing to be afraid of here, and we always attempt to stay abreast of your OTHER CLASS LOAD and adjust accordingly for us. You will NOT be overloaded in MSU JAZZ ENSEMBLES. The Jazz Orchestra will have their fall concert plus the Fall Fanfare Concert and will be recording selections for the HOLIDAYS AT MURRAY STATE television special. The Jazz Band and Jazz Combo(s) will have their fall concert, and the combo will have at least one other gig.
I strongly advise listening to the audition music so you will have a better grasp of the style. It is by one of our greatest American composers, Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington. Here is a link to the audition music: